Words related to category: Ts-J4 Limbs Note: Category links were automatically generated broadly based on the gloss. As a result some links may be unrelated, which we are in the process of removing.
amag̱alik lucky twitch | asii foot | asiim gwa̱soo pig's feet | a̱n'on hand | duupxs heel | g̱awn chew | g̱a̱lik twitch | habag̱a̱lḵ'aysik kneecap | hamhom ankle | hastaleks third finger | hats'aḵ'aays knee warmer | hats'a̱'a̱n'on wrist/arms | hats'eex index finger | ho'nik shin bone | ksaskaana̱xs bare feet | ksi'naḵ middle finger | kwtsiiltk tremble | k'yilaa ol bear paw | ḵ'alḵ'aysik knee | ḵ'atsiwaalt fingers | la̱ba̱'on arm muscle | la̱g̱a̱lik unlucky twitch | la̱xs'neexs top of foot | la̱xs'niił back of hand | ła̱xs fingernails/toenails/claws | ła̱xsmsii toe nail | łgusgaay fourth finger | ma'oon elbow | mat'iibn person with webbed fingers | midiikya'wn left/left-handed person | moos thumb | p'aasü fart | sadzak faint | san'wa̱x hiccup | sat'oxs snap your eyes | saaldzik groan | sa̱ḵ'alst measure/hand span | sgaay little finger | sis'aaxs laugh | sk'aanxs toes | smya'wn right/right-handed person | sp'a̱m cough | t'mbaa hip and upper leg | t'mḵ'ay shoulder | t'młaam shin bone | ts'aay feel full/burp | ts'iwaalt finger | ts'iwaanxsm asii toe | ts'm'an'on palm of hand | ts'm'ootsn palm of hand | ts'msee knee joint | ts'msii sole of foot | ts'mts'ens armpit | ts'mts'ooxs inside of shoe | ts'muuhoon pectoral fin | ts'uup tail | waayt fins | wa̱xł beaver's tail | wilaan fart | 'wiihawtk cry hard | xa̱nooya̱x snore | xłm'an'on wrist | xłmg̱a̱lḵ'aysiks kneel down | xsiit vomit | xts'a'an'on wrist | xts'a'asii ankle |